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Osbaston Parish Council

Statement from Osbaston Parish Council Chairman Opposing Tollgate Development

Added at 21:47 on 27 August 2024

Statement from Osbaston Parish Council for Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Planning Meeting on 27 August 2024 regarding outline application 21/00096/OUT Land North Barton Road, Barlestone, Leicestershire.

As the Chairman of Osbaston Parish Council I would like to make the following comments on behalf of the Parish Council and the residents of Osbaston regarding the outline planning application for the development of land north of Barton Road located within the parish boundary of the hamlet of Osbaston.

The proposed development of 50 new homes on the site will increase the size of Osbaston quite significantly. The census figures for 2011 stated that the population of Osbaston was 255. Once all new homes are occupied this will increase the hamlets population by at least 20% and more likely more than 33%. 

This is a significant increase in the population and residents and the Parish Council are concerned that the land to be developed now shows the 50 new dwellings to be concentrated and located at the eastern edge of the site. This appears to be a clear indication that the developer intends to build far more than 50 dwellings on the site. The original drawings showed a far more dispersed configuration of the 50 dwellings which was passed by the Planning Committee previously.

The Parish Council would like to make it known to the Planning Committee that it is not supportive of the new proposed changes to the configuration of dwellings at the eastern end of the site. 

The Parish Council recognises the need for additional housing in Hinckley & Bosworth but is unwilling to accept anymore than 50 dwellings being built within the parish boundary of Osbaston. The Parish Council will reluctantly accept what was originally proposed but wishes to object to the new proposals.

Thank you

Andy Elliott

Chairman Osbaston Parish Council

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