Parish Council Meeting Called
Added at 23:58 on 05 September 2023
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Osbaston Parish Council will be held on Monday 11th September 2023 starting at 7:00pm at Elohim Church, Main Street, Barlestone for the purpose of transacting the business shown below.
To receive questions and comments from the public on items on the agenda
- To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given
- To receive declarations of interest both personal and prejudicial on items on the agenda
- To consider the adoption of the minutes from the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd July 2023
- To receive a report from Borough Councillor Bill Crooks
- To receive a report from County Councillor Bertie Harrison Rushton
- To consider adopting the financial statement for April 2023 – August 2023
- To consider the draft payments list for September 2023
- To consider adopting the budget monitoring sheet for end of the quarter 2 for financial year 2023 - 2024
- To discuss and consider setting up Neighbourhood Watch for Osbaston Parish
- To consider a list of priorities for Osbaston Parish to be put forward for the new Rural Strategy
- To receive an update on the commemorative boulder on Barton Road, Osbaston
- To receive an update on the heritage streetplates for Osbaston Parish
- To discuss and consider organising a public event to plant bulbs across Osbaston Parish
- To consider quotes for daffodil bulbs to plant across Osbaston Parish
- To discuss projects for financial year 2024 - 2025
- To consider the adoption of the draft planning policy
- To consider any planning applications received since issuing of the agenda
- To discuss and consider comments for the pre-submission consultation on the draft modified Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2039
- To note S106 allocations for the development at the Tollgate
Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and to ask questions or comment on items within this agenda with the consent of the Chairman. In accordance with The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, photographs, audio and video recordings of the meeting may be taken at the meeting by the press and others. You are invited to contact the Parish Clerk if you have any questions or matters of concern that you would like the Council to address allowing 5 clear days of the meeting date.
Signed: Dated: 5th September 2023
Osbaston Parish Clerk, 10 Little Mill Close, Barlestone, CV13 0HW, Tel: 01455 699618