Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Called
Added at 18:55 on 12 October 2021
All Members of the Parish Council are hereby summoned to attend the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 19th October 2021 starting at 7:30pm at Old School Hall, Church Lane, Barlestone for the purpose of transacting the business shown below.
- To receive questions and comments from the public on items on the agenda
- To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given
- To receive declarations of interest both personal and prejudicial on items on the agenda
- To consider the adoption of the minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on 13th September 2021
- To consider a formal response to planning application 21/00096/OUT – residential development for up to 55 dwellings (Outline, access only) Land North, Barton Rd, Barlestone, Leicestershire
- To consider formal comments on proposed Stoneshollow Solar Farm between Nailstone and Barlestone
Members of the Public are welcome to attend the meeting, to ask questions and to comment on items within this agenda with the consent of the Chairman. In accordance with The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, photographs, audio and video recordings of the meeting and of those attending may be taken at the meeting by the press and others. You are invited to contact the Clerk of the Council if you have any questions or matters of concern that you would like the Council to address, allowing 5 clear days of the meeting date.
Signed: Dated: 12/10/2021
Sutton Cheney Parish Clerk, 10 Little Mill Close, Barlestone, CV13 0HW, Tel: 01455 699618